A downloadable game for Android


Você é um funcionário da empresa "Hetusma" que acaba esquecendo de fazer o seu trabalho que deveria ter feito a duas horas atrás. Seu colega de trabalho te avisa disso e recomenda que você vá durante a madrugada terminar a tarefa antes das seis da manhã no armazém abandonado da empresa, o mesmo lugar que lendas diziam que estava assombrado com robôs e objetos criando vida.

You are an employee of the company "Hetusma" who ends up forgetting to do the work you should have done two hours ago. Your co-worker warns you about this and recommends that you go early in the morning to finish the task before six in the morning in the company's abandoned warehouse, the same place that legends said was haunted with robots and objects coming to life.


Esse jogo foi feito no pocket code e não leve a sério esse jogo, ele tem PIADAS... Inclusive, esse projeto era pra ser lançado em um sábado 14, que originalmente era pra ser a piada de um amigo meu, uma referência aos filmes sexta feira 13, e o nome do projeto era pra ser "SATURDAY FOURTEEN" mas devido ao tempo, essa ideia acabou sendo descartada... Mas pelo menos, eu criei outro nome e terminei o projeto. Me sinto satisfeito por terminar mais um jogo... Nesse ano... '-' bruh...

This game was made using pocket code and don't take this game seriously, it has JOKES... In fact, this project was supposed to be released on Saturday 14th, which was originally supposed to be a joke from a friend of mine, a reference to the movies Friday the 13th, and the name of the project was supposed to be "SATURDAY FOURTEEN" but due to time, this idea ended up being discarded... But at least, I created another name and finished the project. I feel satisfied to finish another game... This year... '-' bruh...


Assim como o outro jogo que eu fiz "A BAD NIGHT AT RELPH'S" Eu amei fazer esse projeto. Me deixa ansioso por mais ideias de mais jogos que irei fazer no futuro, mas, só no próximo ano. Eu agradeço VOCÊ por estar lendo isso ou ter jogado o meu jogo, eu te desejo um feliz Natal, até mais!

Just like the other game I made "A BAD NIGHT AT RELPH'S" I loved doing this project. It leaves me looking forward to more ideas for more games I will make in the future, but only next year. I thank YOU for reading this or playing my game, I wish you a merry Christmas, see you later!


Christmaween.apk 65 MB


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Deleted 188 days ago

Well, I'm a Brazilian, and here we don't have access to X (Twitter) anymore :/

But you can say here in the comments of the game (Also, I'm gonna make a future post about this, but I'm making other games in an other engine)

Deleted 188 days ago

Cool, interesting. But I need to know that you can actually prove it, you know. I don't trust unknown users on internet, nothing personal, if you know what I mean. But anyway, yes, I want your WhatsApp so we can talk about this through messages.

Deleted 188 days ago